Holocephali from the Irati Formation (Paraná Basin), Brazil: Origin, paleogeographical and paleoenvironmental considerations


  • Artur Chahud Laboratory for Human Evolutionary Studies, Department of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7690-3132




Chondrichthyes, Permian, Paraná Basin, Paleozoic, Petalodontiformes


The Irati Formation (Permian, Cisuralian) has several types of aquatic vertebrates, including species of Chondrichthyes. Two members of the Irati Formation are recognized, Assistência (upper) and Taquaral (lower). A sandy facies, at the base of the Taquaral Member, is noteworthy by the richness of the Chondrichthyes. The Holocephali are the most abundant and the species Itapyrodus punctatus is the most common. Recent studies with several specimens revealed that some morphotypes must belong to different species of the genus Itapyrodus. This genus is endemic to the two Brazilian Basins, Parnaíba and Paraná and is not related to any other known genus, justifying the proposition of the family Itapyrodidae. A new genus and species of this family was identified, Fairchildodus rioclarensis. The presence of this endemic family is an argument, among others, for a proposed isolation during the time of deposition of the Irati.


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How to Cite

Chahud, A. (2023). Holocephali from the Irati Formation (Paraná Basin), Brazil: Origin, paleogeographical and paleoenvironmental considerations. Estudios Geológicos, 79(2), e155. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.44987.632




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