Cambios en la riqueza taxonómica y en las tasas de primera y última aparición de los Proterotheriidae (Mammalia, Litopterna) durante el Cenozoico


  • A. L. Villafañe Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio.
  • E. Ortiz-Jaureguizar LASBE (Laboratorio de Sistemática y Biología Evolutiva), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
  • M. Bond División Paleontología Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.



South America, Anisolambdinae, Proterotheriinae, Megadolodinae, paleoecology, diversity, origination, extinction


The Proterotheriidae have been recorded from Upper Paleocene until Holocene [«Land-mammal Ages» (= SALMAs) Itaboraian-Lujanian]. They are mainly braquiodonts, with cursorial habits, small to medium sized, and an early tendency toward the monodactily. The objectives of this paper are: 1) to analyze the changes in the diversity and faunistic exchange rates of these South American «ungulates» (at genus and species levels) throughout the biochron of the family; and 2) to relate these changes with the principal changes in climatic-environmental conditions. The results show that Proterotheriidae suffered marked changes in the generic and specific diversity during the Itaboraian-Lujanian SALMAs, with four diversity peaks: two minors in the Casamayoran and Laventan SALMAs, and two majors in the Santacrucian and Huayquerian ones. These peaks were interrupted by two hiatuses in the fossil record, the first in the Divisaderan-Tinguirirican SALMAs, and the second in the Mayoan SALMA. In general, Proterotheriidae show an elevated exchange rate during its biochron, both at genus as well as species levels. This elevated exchange rate indicates that the family possesses a higher biochronological value. Both the fluctuations in taxonomic richness as well as exchange rates are related with the climatic-environmental changes occurred during the Cenozoic. As a rule, higher diversity is observed in those SALMAs in which there is a relatively equalized relation between forests and grasslands. On the other hand, diversity markedly falls when the environments change from wet and closed to most open and arid. The last Proterotheriidae species (Neolicaphrium recens) was confined to the Pleistocene of north-eastern Argentina and western Uruguay, where an ecotone between forests and grasslands is recorded.


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How to Cite

Villafañe, A. L., Ortiz-Jaureguizar, E., & Bond, M. (2006). Cambios en la riqueza taxonómica y en las tasas de primera y última aparición de los Proterotheriidae (Mammalia, Litopterna) durante el Cenozoico. Estudios Geológicos, 62(1), 155–166.


