Enrolment in Conocoryphe heberti Munier-Chalmas & Bergeron, 1889 (Middle Cambrian, Iberian Chain, NE Spain) and coaptive structures within family Conocoryphidae


  • J. Esteve Área y Museo de Paleontología. Dpto. CC. de la Tierra. Universidad de Zaragoza




Trilobite, Conocoryphidae, coaptative structures, vincular depression, enrolment, Murero, Spain


Enrolled Conocoryphe heberti is described with detail and compared with the conocoryphid Occatharia sdzuyi, both very abundant in the middle Cambrian from the Mediterranean subprovince. Both show different morphological novelties very useful to enrol and interlock the trilobite body. The morphological study allows us to recognize coaptative devices that show the possibility of a tight encapsulation enrolment. The coaptative devices are analyzed in cephalons, pigidia and almost completed outstretched trilobites of Bailiella levyi, Bailiaspis souchoni and Parabailiella languedocensis belonging to the same family. The coaptative structures analyzed show enough variability in cephalons and pigidia that allow suggesting several enrolment types within conocoryphids.


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How to Cite

Esteve, J. (2009). Enrolment in Conocoryphe heberti Munier-Chalmas &amp; Bergeron, 1889 (Middle Cambrian, Iberian Chain, NE Spain) and coaptive structures within family Conocoryphidae. Estudios Geológicos, 65(2), 167–182. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.39860.061


