Elaboración de la curva de gastos del río Butrón y su adaptación al tratamiento automático de limnigramas en microcomputador


  • Javier Cruz Sanjulián Departamento de Geomorfología y Geotectónica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del País Vasco
  • A. Eraso Alberdi Departamento de Geomorfología y Geotectónica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del País Vasco
  • I. Antigüedad Departamento de Geomorfología y Geotectónica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del País Vasco




Rating curve, Butron river, Biscay, dilution gauging, current-meter gauging, stage recorder charts processing, microcomputer processing.


In order to obtain a continuous control of the Butron river's discharge a stage graphic recorder was installed in its lower reaches, taking advantage of the previous existence of estage boards and a specially prepared bridge for making velocity measurements using a current meter. Several measurements of the stream discharge and the corresponding rating curve were also available, information that has been completed with aditional discharge measurements by dilution gauging (constant rate and gulp injection) and by the velocity-area technique using a current meter. The all set of data allowed us to draw a new rating curve which adjust narrowly to a straight line for stages higher than 0.9 meters and more loosely to a curve for lower stages, This fact let us, after several attempts, to reduce this curve line to a series of 12 straight segments so that the automatic processing in microcomputer of the corresponding stage recorder charts were made possible.


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How to Cite

Cruz Sanjulián, J., Eraso Alberdi, A., & Antigüedad, I. (1984). Elaboración de la curva de gastos del río Butrón y su adaptación al tratamiento automático de limnigramas en microcomputador. Estudios Geológicos, 40(5-6), 375–380. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.84405-6676


