Contribution of geological and geophysical 3D models to the deve lopment of the polymetallic deposit of Draa Sfar (Hercinian Massif of Central Jebilets, Morocco


  • S. Rziki Managem, Marrakech
  • A. Alansari PES, Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Marrakech
  • E. M. Mouguina PES, Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Marrakech
  • J. Simard Sagax Maghreb, Marrakech
  • M. Zouhair Managem, Casablanca
  • L. Maacha Managem, Casablanca



Draa Sfar, Massif sulphide, Polymetallic, Hercynian, 3D Model geophysical and geological, Jebilet, Morocco


The compilation of geological and geophysical (magnetic and gravity) and the development of the corresponding three-dimensional models have allowed the recognition of the deep mineralized structures, and helping the reopening of the mining after 23 years of inactivity. Geological resources were increased tenfold in three years to reach 10Mt at 5.39% Zn, 1.94% Pb and 0.34% Cu. This exploration methodology based on three-dimensional geological and geophysical models become increasingly used in mining exploration strategy after the improvement in the computing capacities of the modelling tools. The results from this study could be helpful for the development of mining massive sulphide deposits in the Jebilet province of Guemassa and by extension to other deposits with similar geological and metallogenic characteristics.


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How to Cite

Rziki, S., Alansari, A., Mouguina, E. M., Simard, J., Zouhair, M., & Maacha, L. (2012). Contribution of geological and geophysical 3D models to the deve lopment of the polymetallic deposit of Draa Sfar (Hercinian Massif of Central Jebilets, Morocco. Estudios Geológicos, 68(1), 29–40.


