Impact of weathering on the chemical balance of the diatexites from the Edough Massif (Annaba, NE Algeria)


  • Soraya Hadj-Zobir Université Badji Mokhtar-Annaba, Faculté des Sciences de la Terre, Laboratoire Sols et Développement Durable, Annaba



Weathering, CIA, CIW, IFRAIS, diatexites, Edough


The studied section, located on the eastern part of the Edough massif (region of Annaba, Algeria), is characterized by a Mediterranean climate and the area is one of the most humid of Algeria (precipitation between 750 and 1200 mm/year). It consists of diatexites with homogeneous petrographic and metamorphic facies. The primary minerals are quartz, feldspar, oligoclase and biotite whereas weathering products are mostly represented by illite and montmorillonite. Although all samples comprise the same mineral composition, due to changes in the mode, the chemistry of this diatexites is very heterogeneous. The chemical analyses of the rocks reveal a progressive evolution in the composition in terms of gains and losses in Ca, Na, K, Fe, Mg and in trace elements. The values of the Chemical Index of Change (CIA = 62.79 - 68.32, of the Chemical index of Weathering (CIW = 63.92 - 70.79), the Freshness Index (IFRAIS = 76 - 46.35) and the high value of the loss of ignition (L.O.I > 2%) as well as the Rb/Sr ratio >1 indicate that the distribution of the chemical elements along the section is entirely controlled by weathering (bisiallitisation alteration type) during a long time.


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How to Cite

Hadj-Zobir, S. (2012). Impact of weathering on the chemical balance of the diatexites from the Edough Massif (Annaba, NE Algeria). Estudios Geológicos, 68(2), 203–215.


