Hydrogeological origin and functioning of the unique alkaline sub-halophyte crypto-wetland in Guadalajara detrital facies of the Madrid Tertiary aquifer


  • M. Martín-Loeches Garrido Dep. de Geografía y Geología, Universidad de Alcalá
  • J. Pavón García Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida de la Universidad de Alcalá
  • M. García Martínez




Wetland, Madrid aquifer, Henares river middle basin, indicative plants, hydrogeology, alkaline efflorescences, evaporation


Dehesa de Arriba wetland is a subhalofite-alkalinofite reed meadow so far not described among the Madrid tertiary aquifer wetlands. Is located in the medium-high area of Henares river tertiary basin. The evaporation phenomena are the reason of its diversity and the presence of alkaline efflorescence. The water in origin is the discharge of small evolve groundwater, of the type HCO3-Ca and mineralization of 700 μS/cm, 2 km southward from the point where Camarmilla is captured by Torote river. The morphology of the wetland play an important role in the distribution of the species and the alkaline efflorescence since determine the phreatic level depth and affects the extent of capillary water up to the surface. The drainage of the soils in scarce because the smooth topography and the small erosion of the river after its capture. To the wetland, that is now the born of the Camarmilla stream, arrives 56.400 m3 of groundwater annually and its soils generate a surplus of 29.000 m3 from december to may in average years. The alkalinity is high in any area, although is higher in the graminoids and cyperaceous zones and is the highest in the efflorescence with a pH of 10.3 and a concentration of Na+ in its solution of 2871 mg/l. No significant difference of these parameters have been found between the soils where juncus acutus is located and other juncacea soils. The formation processes of this wetland and its high plants diversity make it singular in the Madrid aquifer context and constitute a unique enclave in Castilla-La Mancha.


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How to Cite

Martín-Loeches Garrido, M., Pavón García, J., & García Martínez, M. (2015). Hydrogeological origin and functioning of the unique alkaline sub-halophyte crypto-wetland in Guadalajara detrital facies of the Madrid Tertiary aquifer. Estudios Geológicos, 71(2), e037. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.41989.356


