The latest Cryogenian, Ediacaran and earliest Cambrian of the southwestern Siberian Platform: Stratotypes and limitotypes




Lithostratigraphy, Cryogenian, Ediacaran, Cambrian, Siberian Platform


A stratigraphic revision of the latest Cryogenian, Ediacaran and earliest Cambrian of the southwestern Siberian Platform is proposed here. All late Neoproterozoic stratigraphic units fill the Sayan foredeep. The sedimentary record is adscribed to the upper Cryogenian and Ediacaran Oselok Group and the lower Cambrian Ust’-Tagul Formation. They can be subdivided into members with a characteristic fossiliferous content ecology of Dickinsonia.


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How to Cite

Sovetov, J. K., & Solovetskaya, L. V. (2019). The latest Cryogenian, Ediacaran and earliest Cambrian of the southwestern Siberian Platform: Stratotypes and limitotypes. Estudios Geológicos, 75(2), e115.


