Metalización de medidas de corrección de la intrusión marina en los acuíferos de río Vélez, río Verde y Castell de Ferro (provincias de Málaga y Granada)


  • M. L. Calvache Departamento Geodinámica. Universidad de Granada
  • A. Pulido-Bosch Departamento Geodinámica. Universidad de Granada



sea water intrusion, Rio Verde Aquifer, Rio Velez Aquifer, Castell de Ferro Aquifer


The sea water intrusion process shows different dynamics in three spanish southmediterranean coastal aquifers affected by seasonal overexploitation (Rio Vélez, Rio Verde and Castell de Ferro). On the base of these differences we carried out a mathematical modeling to check the effectiveness of severa1 hypothetical actions against this contaminant process. For the Rio Vélez aquifer we have modeled first of al1 a total omission of flow in the river during the wet season. We conclude the sea water intrusion should be not affected noticeably. Second of al1 we have simulated a certain flow in the river during the whole year, which should reduce markedly the volume of sea water intruding this aquifer. The modeling for the Rio Verde aquifer shows that an artificial recharge (using resources from neighbouring basins) during the wet season is not an efficient action against sea water intrusion. During the dry season it should be more efficient against contamination to use the imported resources directly for irrigation than using then to recharge the system. Finally, an hypothetical stoppage of pumping in the Castell the Ferro aquifer should make sea water intrusion to disappear, but should not be efficient to wash remaining salts. So, we have simulated as well the effect of a low permeability barrier located between the detrital materials and a karstified block connected to the sea as well. This action appears as an interesting one as it should reduce the volume of sea water intrusion and inducing to an increase of seaward flow through the detrital materials, giving way to a good washing of salts.


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How to Cite

Calvache, M. L., & Pulido-Bosch, A. (1996). Metalización de medidas de corrección de la intrusión marina en los acuíferos de río Vélez, río Verde y Castell de Ferro (provincias de Málaga y Granada). Estudios Geológicos, 52(5-6), 269–277.




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