Evolución geoquímica y temporal del magmatismo básico mesozoico en las Zonas Externas de las Cordilleras Béticas


  • M. Portugal-Ferreira Departamento de Ciencias de la Terra. Universidade de Coimbra
  • D. Morata Departamento de Cristalografía, Mineralogía, Estratigrafía, Geodinámica, Petrología y Geoquímica. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar. Universidad de Cádiz
  • E. Puga Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra. CSIC-Universidad de Granada
  • A. Demant Laboratoire de Pétrologie Magmatique. URA 1277 CNRS. Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de St. Jerome. Université d'Aix-Marseille III
  • L. Aguirre Departamento de Geología. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas. Universidad de Chile




Mesozoie basie magmatism, dating, K-Ar geoehronology, External Zones, Betie Cordilleras


The Mesozoic basic magmatism found in the External Zones of the Betic Cordilleras (ZECB) is represented either as «ophites» forming small dimension tectonic blocks intercalated in the Keuper gypsum-rich, clay sediments, or also as lava ilow bodies, most of them with pillow structures, within the Jurassic sedimentary rocks. Geochemical characteristics of these rocks indicate sorne differences between these two magmatic series. Two different chemical affinities have been carried out within the «ophites»: a) with modal orthopyroxene and tholeiitic affinity; and b) with modal olivine and transitionalalkaline affinity. Chemical characteristics of this last group are similar to those of the volcanic rocks from the Jurassic sediments.
The field relationships found in sorne «ophite» outcrops al!ow us to deduce that the tholeiitic rocks are mostly present as extrusive rocks. However, their older whole-rock K-Ar ages range between 182 ± 9 and 187 ± 4 M.a., and do not correctly represent Upper Triassic ages. Transitional-alkaline «ophites» occur as subvolcanic rocks and their older obtained radiometric age is 137 ± 4 M.a. Al! these radiometric ages obtained may be intepreted as a result of the hybridization between the age of the Triassic magmatism and the very low- to low-grade metamorphism present in these rocks. This metamorphism is responsable for the new formed secondary paragenesis, made of prehnite + pumpel! yite + sericitie + mafic phyl!osicates. Radiometric age obtained in sorne intra-Jurassic volcanic rocks range between 155 ± 3 to 166 ± 4 M.a.
These new radiometric data and field relationships are used to define the Mesozoic magmatic evolution in the ZECB. Tholeiitic magmatism was generated during an initial Triassic distensive stage. After this magmatic event, and as a consequence of an increment of the distensive regime, with important continental crust thickening, transitionalalkaline magmatism occurS. This second magmatic event is present both as Jurassic pillow-lavas and also as sorne subvolcanic basic rocks intrusive in the Triassic sediments.


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How to Cite

Portugal-Ferreira, M., Morata, D., Puga, E., Demant, A., & Aguirre, L. (1995). Evolución geoquímica y temporal del magmatismo básico mesozoico en las Zonas Externas de las Cordilleras Béticas. Estudios Geológicos, 51(3-4), 109–118. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.95513-4289


