Funcionamiento hidrológico de un humedal ribereño, el Masegar, en el conjunto de los humedales de La Mancha Húmeda de la cuenca alta del rió Cigüela


  • J. M. Farnés Departamento de Geodinámica. Fac CC. Geológicas. Universidad Complutense
  • A. de la Hera Departamento de Geodinámica. Fac CC. Geológicas. Universidad Complutense
  • J. Cruces Departamento de Física Aplicada. E.T.S.I.C.C.
  • M. R. Llamas Departamento de Geodinámica. Fac CC. Geológicas. Universidad Complutense



Biosphere Reserve, ecological impact, wetlands, restoration, wetlands hydrology, Mancha Húmeda, Cigüela river.


Fifteen years ago «La Mancha Húmeda» was deelared Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, at the request of the Spanish Government. According to a recent deelaration by UNESCO in 1995, such title could be lost if the degradation processes of the wetlands of «La Mancha Húmeda» continue. «La Mancha Húmeda» was formed by a hundred of small lakes or wetlands that in area totalled about 200-300 km2 and they were distributed over an area of about 25.000 km2. These are different types of wetlands (saltwater and freshwater, permanent and ephimeral, riparian and closed basins, etc.). It is estimated that the actual surface of all the wetlands is about 20-30% of that occupied 20 or 30 years ago. The most famous degradation case is that of the «Tablas de Daimiel National Park» that has shrinked fram an area of about 15-20km2 to less than 1 km2

This article presents the general situation of the riverine wetlands of the Cigüela river and the results of the hydrological functioning of a wetland of modest dimensions, less than 1 km2, El Masegar. It is a riparian wetland located in the Cigüela River basin which has been severely affected by man actions. El Masegar can be considered as an artificial wetland. From an ecological point of view, this wetland seems to have been functioning in a proper way until 1988, when the so called «Plan de Regeneración Hídrica del Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel» began. This Plan has not regenerated the Natural Park but has degradated or destroyed the riparian wetlands that existed along the Cigüela River valley which is about ISO km long. The surface of these wetlands all together was larger than that of Tablas de Daimiel National Park. The study shows that it could be feasible to restore or maintain most of the riparian wetlands of the «La Mancha Húmeda» without a great economic investment and without social conflicts with the farmers.


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How to Cite

Farnés, J. M., de la Hera, A., Cruces, J., & Llamas, M. R. (1995). Funcionamiento hidrológico de un humedal ribereño, el Masegar, en el conjunto de los humedales de La Mancha Húmeda de la cuenca alta del rió Cigüela. Estudios Geológicos, 51(5-6), 259–276.


