Phase equilibria and P-T-X(Fe-Mg) relations involving Gl-St-Cd-Als-Bi-Mu-Oz-Kfs-H2O in medium-high grade metapelites (KFASH, KMASH and KFMASH sistems)


  • A. Sebastián Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • F. J. Martínez Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



phase equilibria, stability fields, petrogenetic grid


In different areas of the Hercynian in the Iberian Peninsula some reactions are repeatedly observed in pelites, these reactions are:
Staurolite + muscovite + quartz = Biotite+ Al2SiO5+ H2O
Garnet + muscovite = Al2SiO5+ biotite+ quartz
Biotite + Al2SiO5 + quartz = Cordierite + K feldspar+Hp
In order to examinate the P-T stability fields of these, and other similar reactions, aH the univariant equilibria in multisystems with Gt-Cd-St-Bi-Mu-Als-Qz-HP, Gt-St-Bi-Mu-Fk-AIs-QzHp and Cd-St-Bi-Mu-Fk-AIs-Qz-H2O in Kp-FeO-AI2O r SiO2-H2O (KFASH) system have been calculated, and their corresponding P-T grids have been constructed. The expansion of these reactions into divariant surfaces through the P-T-X (Fe-Mg) space was made by studying the assemblage Gt-Cd-St-Bi-Mu-Fk-AIs-Qz-HP in K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (KFMASH) with a Fe/Fe+Mg relationship Gt > St > Bi > Cd such as observed in most of natural pelites. A resultant grid was obtained by combining those obtained in the aboye systerns. This grid has been P-T located for PH20 = P19 near QFM buffer, and excess muscovite and quartz conditions Reaction slopes in this grid were calculated within different P-T surroundings from thermodynamic data as weH as by considering the existing experimental data. In addition to the stability fields of reactions the P-T-XFe-Mg theoric relations for three univariant and thirteen divariant reactions have been obtained. The grid confirms the imposibility of staurolite-K feldspar and Garnet-Cordierite-Muscovite coexistence, as weH as the extension of the stability fields for Garnet-Staurolite, Cordierite-Staurolite and Garnet-Cordierite assemblages in muscovite-poor metapelites.


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How to Cite

Sebastián, A., & Martínez, F. J. (1989). Phase equilibria and P-T-X(Fe-Mg) relations involving Gl-St-Cd-Als-Bi-Mu-Oz-Kfs-H2O in medium-high grade metapelites (KFASH, KMASH and KFMASH sistems). Estudios Geológicos, 45(5-6), 251–265.


