Contribution of magnetic parameters to the identification of stratigraphic levels and pedogenesis (Angel Cave, Spain)


  • Abderrezak Djerrab Université de Tébessa, Faculté des Sciences, Tébessa
  • Ian Hedley Université de Genève, Département de Minéralogie, Genève
  • Pierre Camps Géosciences Montpellier, CNRS et Université Montpellier 2
  • Salah Abdessadok Département de Préhistoire, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris
  • Cecilio Barroso Ruiz
  • Daniel Botella Ortega Museo Arqueológico y Etnológico de Lucena



Angel cave, Cordoba, Spain, magnetic susceptibility, remanent magnetization, iron oxides, pedogenesis


The Angel cave, dated between the middle to the base of the Upper Pleistocene, contains important lithic and faunal material, and is of exceptional interest in the Iberian Peninsula. Because of its importance, and in the framework of an European research project (N°IDPH/ER/05), a multidisciplinary study including palaeomagnetism, was undertaken on the sedimentary deposit and the archaeological material. The study of the magnetic properties of the cave sediments reveals the presence of two magnetostratigraphic units. The lower stratigraphic unit is characterized by an important concentration of magnetic grains with a considerable percentage of superparamagnetic grains (SP). The magnetic minerals are of secondary origin, fine grained, magnetically soft and dominated by magnetite and maghemite. The latter have undergone an important post-depositional geochemical evolution (marked pedogenesis). On the contrary, the upper unit is characterized by weaker magnetic parameters and the magnetic minerals are harder, of detrital origin, dominated by hematite.


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How to Cite

Djerrab, A., Hedley, I., Camps, P., Abdessadok, S., Barroso Ruiz, C., & Botella Ortega, D. (2013). Contribution of magnetic parameters to the identification of stratigraphic levels and pedogenesis (Angel Cave, Spain). Estudios Geológicos, 69(1), 71–84.


