Petrographical and geochemical signatures of the Granja paragneisses (Médio Coreaú Domain, NW Ceará, Brasil)


  • A. J.F. Silva GeoBioTec, Departamento de Geociências, Universidade de Aveiro
  • M. R. Azevedo GeoBioTec, Departamento de Geociências, Universidade de Aveiro
  • B. Valle Aguado GeoBioTec, Departamento de Geociências, Universidade de Aveiro
  • J. A. Nogueira Neto Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • T. J.S. Santos Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • F. D.O. Silva Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará



Brasiliano granulite metamorphism, migmatitic paragneisses, provenance


The Granja Granulite Complex (GGC) exposed in the Médio Coreaú Domain (NW Ceará, Brasil) consists mainly of garnet and sillimanite migmatitic paragneisses enclosing discontinuous lenses of mafic granulites and enderbites. According to the published geochronological data, this high-grade metamorphic belt represents a segment of the Paleoproterozoic basement intensely reworked during the Brasiliano / Pan-African Orogeny in the Neoproterozoic (600 Ma). The Granja paragneisses are strongly foliated rocks characterized by the alternance of dark garnet-biotite-sillimanite-rich layers and millimeter-thick leucocratic quartz-feldspathic bands, interpreted as indicative of incipient melting. As melt contents increase, layer-parallel leucosomes become thicker and a well-developed stromatic layering is defined. Both the gneissic and stromatic fabrics are strongly overprinted by a penetrative mylonitic foliation correlated to the last reactivation of the dextral NE-SW trending Granja Shear Zone (GCZ) that cuts across the studied area. Mineral assemblages and microstructures indicate that these rocks were affected by granulite-facies metamorphism and anatexis followed by decompression and cooling. In order to constrain the protolith composition of the Granja paragneisses, twelve whole-rock samples from the parts of the migmatitic paragneisses that appear to have undergone little or no melt extraction were analysed for major and trace elements. In the classification diagram of Herron (1988), the samples plot in the transition between the greywacke and the pelite fields, suggesting that the pre-metamorphic sequence was dominantly composed by shales and immature clastic sediments (greywackes). Their chondrite normalized REE patterns show a moderate LREE enrichment (LaN/YbN = 9.46–15.50), flat HREE profiles and negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.63–0.82), closely resembling those of PAAS (Post-Archean average Australian Shale) and Early Proterozoic Greywackes. Geochemical data also suggest that the precursor sediments of the Granja paragneisses derived from source areas of felsic to intermediate composition and were deposited in a tectonically active continental margin / continental island arc setting.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. J., Azevedo, M. R., Valle Aguado, B., Nogueira Neto, J. A., Santos, T. J., & Silva, F. D. (2014). Petrographical and geochemical signatures of the Granja paragneisses (Médio Coreaú Domain, NW Ceará, Brasil). Estudios Geológicos, 70(2), e014.


