The turtle tracks from the Oncala Group (Berriasian, Cameros Basin, Spain)


  • C. Pascual-Arribas
  • N. Hernández-Medrano



Turtle tracks, Cameros Basin, Oncala Group, Berriasian, Emydhipus, Spain


Although the dinosaur footprints are very frequent in the Oncala Group (Cameros Basin), it does not happen with the tracks of other reptiles, especially in the case of crocodiles and turtles. Up to now, only one ichnogenus freshwater turtle track morphotype (Emydhipus) is known in this group, and it is possible the existence of other terrestrial tortoises tracks. The finding of new tracks and the general review of the known material, suggest that the turtle tracks are more variable and widespread than we previously thought, which corresponds with the existence of a large representation of a recently recognized turtle genus from the Lower Cretaceous of Cameros Basin and also from the whole the Iberian Peninsula.


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How to Cite

Pascual-Arribas, C., & Hernández-Medrano, N. (2015). The turtle tracks from the Oncala Group (Berriasian, Cameros Basin, Spain). Estudios Geológicos, 71(1), e030.


