Los Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) del Eoceno de la Cuenca del Duero (Castilla y Leon, Espana)


  • M. A. Cuesta Ruiz-Colmenares Departamento de Geología. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Salamanca




Palaeotheriidae, Eocene, Duero basin, Spain


The systematic study of the Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) of the Eocene of the Duero Bassin (Castilla y León, Spain) has permited to identify 3 new species: Palaeotherium giganteum nov. sp., Cantabrotherium casanovasae nov. sp. and Franzenium durense nov. sp., all of the Mazaterón bed (middle Eocene-upper Eocene, MP16-17, Almazán subbassin, Soria). Franzenium durense nov. sp. is present also in Caenes (middle Eocene, MP16, southoccidental area, Salamanca). The described forrns display a special combination of primitive characters, mainly in the premolars, with almost void molarization, and derived characters, detaching a strong hipsodonty; such combination is not known in the other species of the Family. In a biogeographical order this fauna shows a strong endemic character, with a almost complete independence of the occidental Europe and subpyrenean area, and only sorne peninsular beds, Llamaquique (Oviedo) and Huérmeces del Cerro (Guadalajara) have similar forms. In 3 other beds, situates in the southoccidental area, Casaseca de Campeán (middle Eocene, MP13-14, Zamora), Molino del Pico (upper Eocene-Oligocene, Zamora) and San Morales (Middle Eocene, MP16, Salamanca) the Palaeotheriidae are very rares and the limited material doesn't have to perrnit the identification at the generic level.


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How to Cite

Cuesta Ruiz-Colmenares, M. A. (1993). Los Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) del Eoceno de la Cuenca del Duero (Castilla y Leon, Espana). Estudios Geológicos, 49(1-2), 87–109. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.93491-2341


