Hominoids from Neuhausen and other Bohnerz localities, Swabian Alb, Germany: evidence for a high diversity of apes in the Late Miocene of Germany
Hominoidea, Dryopithecinae, Apes, Late Miocene, Swabian Alb, Bohnerz, Neuhausen, GermanyAbstract
Three hominoid upper teeth collected prior to 1837 from late Miocene Bohnerz near Neuhausen, Swabian Alb (Germany) are described in detail for the first time and are attributed to Anoiapithecus brevirostris and Dryopithecus crusafonti (which shares morphological features with Udabnopithecus garedziensis). Their discovery locus is not far from several other Bohnerz sites which have yielded dryopithecine teeth (Salmendingen, Melchingen, Trochtelfingen, Ebingen) of similar age (MN 7/8 – MN 9). These are the first ante-molar dryopithecine teeth recognised in Germany, and as such provide evidence concerning the affinities of the hominoids from the Swabian Alb. Previously described ape dento-gnathic samples from Germany comprised only molars, which are less diagnostic than the anterior dentition, a fact that has given rise to an extended debate about the affinities of these teeth. Detailed comparisons between the German hominoid fossils and those from Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Georgia, Turkey and Spain, indicates that there may be five species of hominoids in the ensemble of Swabian Alb deposits (Dryopithecus fontani, Neopithecus brancoi, possibly Griphopithecus sp., Anoiapithecus brevirostris, Udabnopithecus garedziensis (which could be a senior synonym of Dryopithecus crusafonti) and Hispanopithecus laietanus).
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