Solving geological and historical puzzles with advanced gemologic techniques: The Franco Dávila (1772) precious opal case


  • J. García-Guinea Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, CSIC)
  • J. González-Alcalde Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, CSIC)
  • M. Furio Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, CSIC)
  • A. Jorge Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, CSIC)
  • F. Garrido Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, CSIC)



opal, gemology, historic collections, Non-destructive techniques


The large precious opal weighting 33 grams fitted in a silver jewel and exposed to visitors at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) is well documented in: (i) its own mounting (1772), (ii) at the 775 document of the Archive of the MNCN and (iii) the 395 specimen described in the of Pedro Franco Dávila catalogue. The X-ray diffractogram (XRD) performed onto the opal block is very similar to other opals of volcanic origin containing varied amounts of cristobalite, tridymite and amorphous silica. The Raman spectrum shows a band peaked at 242, 343 and 416 cm-1 associated with O-Si-O stretching groups; other spectral band peaked at 780 and 819 cm-1 corresponding to vibration of symmetrical O-Si-O rings of 3 and 4 link members, plus other minor bands. The Raman spectrum is also very similar to those observed in Mexican opals of volcanic origin containing an spectral band of stretching nodes v1 (OH) at 3233, 3393, 3511, 3628 cm-1 related to OH groups with hydrogen bonds of isolated silanol groups. The interferometric confocal dual microscope 3D (MCI3D), which is a nondestructive facility of high resolution and LED technology reveals the geometry of graver tools on the silver jewel and the computed tomography X-ray highlights the opal cutting as a squared princess type and silver chloride infillings of a crack probably caused by a shock on a corner. Under the scanning electron microscope we observed barite, sealed veins of silica rich in Mn and opal with high contents of Al and K which, along with the historical data, the piece can be attributed to the historical site of opals hosted in Slovakia andesite rocks, this data explains the optical light behavior in the cabochon. The silver jewel has large amounts of Hg and AgCl indicating amalgam method. In addition the natural AgS2 phases probably come from Nueva España (year 1772) in full production of silver in such time. The association of new analytical non-destructive techniques combines the preservation of samples together with significant analytical data allowing us to deduce genetic mineral processes, provenances and manufacturing techniques of materials. These facilities allow the characterization, interpretation, conservation and enhancement of cultural and archaeological heritage.


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How to Cite

García-Guinea, J., González-Alcalde, J., Furio, M., Jorge, A., & Garrido, F. (2016). Solving geological and historical puzzles with advanced gemologic techniques: The Franco Dávila (1772) precious opal case. Estudios Geológicos, 72(2), e056.


