Modelizacion matemática de la hidroquímica de las aguas de un macizo dolomítico-yesífero. Aplicación a la génesis de los travertinos de las Lagunas de Ruidera


  • S. Ordoñez Departamento de Petrología y Geoquímica. Fac. de Geología. U.C.M.
  • A. Felipe Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Fac. de Matemáticas. U.C.M.



mathematical models, calcareous tufa, water infiltration, dolomitic aquifer, dolomític-gypsiferous aquifer, CO2-pressure, Ca-activity, ground-water, environmental parameters, travertine systems, fluvial carbonates


Thermodinamíc equations of solution and precipitation carbonates-calcium sulfates let us stablish a mathematical model of calcareous tufa deposits simulation. The conceptual genetic model of calcareous tufa is related with solution of preexisting carbonates in high CO2, presure ground-water. When ground-water reach surface, the fast degassing processes lead to calcite precipitation. Ground-water are considered placed in two different types of acuifer system: dolomitic aquifer (D) and dolomitic-gypsiferous acuifer (DY). Calcium activity in ground-water (aS) may be expressed by the relation:

as=10p1 ∙ (pCO2)p2 ∙ (Ts)p3

where, pCO2 is partiel pressure of CO2 in equilibrium with ground-water, and Ts, is absolute temperature of ground-water. Values of p1, p2 and p3, constant are, in the case ofa dolomitic aquicer:

p1= 6,71624   p2= 0,32933   p3= 3,64469

However values of p1, p2 and p3 constants in dolomitic-gypsiferous aquifer are:

p1= 3,29381   p2= O,03392   p3= -0,40223

In the same way we may calculate the end calcium activity in surface watering (af) after degassing CO2 in equilibrium with a rural atmosphere (pCO2=10-3,503atm). Urban and urban industrial areas may reach pC02= 10-3atm. The rate of precipitation of calcareous tues (Tons per year) may writte:

[[(Vt ∙ aB / (VI - SL (eL - pL))] – at] ∙ (VI - SL (eL - pL)) ∙ 105

VI=water infiltration in the basin (Hm3/year), sL=marsh and/or lake surface (Km2), eL=evaporation rate (m/year), PL=precipitation rate (m/year). This equation let us also stablish, the influence on calcareous tufs sedimentation of basinal, climatological and environmental parameters. Their use may focus to conservation of many present day damaged travertine systems.


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How to Cite

Ordoñez, S., & Felipe, A. (1988). Modelizacion matemática de la hidroquímica de las aguas de un macizo dolomítico-yesífero. Aplicación a la génesis de los travertinos de las Lagunas de Ruidera. Estudios Geológicos, 44(1-2), 99–105.




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