Volcanic processes and risk


  • J. López-Ruiz Departamento de Geología. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid
  • J. M. Cebriá Departamento de Geología. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid




magma generation, mid-ocean ridges, island arcs, active continental margins, intraplate settings, hawaiian eruptions, strombolian eruptions, vulcanian eruptions, plinian eruptions, lahars, partial destruction of volcanic edifices, volcanic hazard, volcani


Magmas are generated in four well-defined geodynamic settings: a) constructive plate margins, including mid-ocean ridges and back-ac basins; b) destructive plate margins, such as island arcs and active continental margins; c) oceanic intraplate areas, and d) continental intraplate areas.
In mid-ocean ridges, intraoceanic island-arcs and oceanic islands, magmas can only be generated at the upper mantle due to the absence of continental crust. On the contrary, the crust can play an important role in continental settings. Additionally, the generation of magma in the upper mantle can be located in the asthenosphere and the lithosphere.
The mechanisms of magma generation in each geodynamic setting is different. In constructive plate margins, the asthenosphere rises adiabatically and melts. In destructive margins, melting is linked to subduction. Finally, in continental intraplate areas melting is associated to extensional processes, which can be linked to various phenomena such as indentation, delamination or mantle plumes, as in the case of oceanic intraplate settings.
The eruptive mode depends strongly on the magma composition, and more precisely of its temperature, viscosity and gas content. In general, basaltic magmas (characterised by SiO2 abundances between 45 to 52%, temperatures of 1.000-1.200 °C, viscosities of 10-102 Pa·s and low gas content) erupt in a quiet or moderately explosive way, producing hawaiian- or strombolian-type eruptions. On the other hand, acid magmas(with SiO2 higher than 53%, temperatures of 700-900 °C, viscosities between 106 and 108 Pa·s and high gas contents) are characterised by explosive, vulcanian- to plinian-type eruptions.
At global scale, the volcanic eruptions and their associated phenomena are less frequent and involve less victims and damage than other natural disasters. According to the recent database by Witham (2005), from the 176 considered volcanoes and volcanic areas, only a half are related to more than one incident in the 20th century. Additionally, from the 491 eruptions produced in that period, about 50% resulted in deaths. Considering the type of materials erupted, pyroclastic density currents were the main death causes, followed by lahars, which are the main cause of injuring. On the contrary, lava flows and pyroclastic falls involved a relatively low number of deaths and injuries even though pyroclastic falls were responsible of a great number of people losing their homes or being evacuated. Since the eruptions of the volcanoes associated to subduction areas are in general of greater explosivity and therefore more dangerous than intraplate volcanoes, the regions where more deaths are linked to volcanic activity in the 20th century were the Caribbean, South and Central America, and SE Asia.


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How to Cite

López-Ruiz, J., & Cebriá, J. M. (2007). Volcanic processes and risk. Estudios Geológicos, 63(2), 41–65. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.07632198


