Los depósitos miocenos en los alrededores de Andujar (depresión del Guadalquivir. Provincia de Jaén)


  • J. A. Santos García Empresa Nacional ADARO, S.A.
  • F. Jerez Mir Empresa Nacional ADARO, S.A.
  • J. L. Muñoz del Real Empresa Nacional ADARO, S.A.




Deltaic deposits, shore deposits, Olistostrome, transgression, regression, Miocene, Guadalquivir basin


The main fatures of the Miocene deposits, within an area of the North-Eastern border of the Guadalquivir Basin, are studied herein. This group of materials, is grouped in units: Guadalquivir allocthonous and filling of the basin units. In the Guadalquivir allocthonous units is represented the so called Olistostroma Unit that achieves a high development at the South of the studied area. The filling of the basin units are four units whose characterization allows to establish the existence of a transgressive stage (Upper Tortonian-Andalusian) in which a deltaic body (Conglomeratic Unit) with marine indentations is overtaken by backshore-foreshore deposits (Calcarenitic Unit). Overlying these materials there are deeper marine facies (shoreface- offshore) of the Mari Unit. Sorne minor tectonic pulses are recorded during this stage, displacing the frontal side of the Olistostroma to the North. A second (regresive) stage gives place to the deposit of the Sandy Unit, that consists on shallower shore facies of Middle Andalusian with features of shoreface deposits.


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How to Cite

Santos García, J. A., Jerez Mir, F., & Muñoz del Real, J. L. (1991). Los depósitos miocenos en los alrededores de Andujar (depresión del Guadalquivir. Provincia de Jaén). Estudios Geológicos, 47(1-2), 33–42. https://doi.org/10.3989/egeol.91471-2406


