Valorisation of palaeontological collections: nomination of a lectotype for Conohyus simorrensis (Lartet, 1851), Villefranche d’Astarac, France, and description of a new genus of tetraconodont


  • M. Pickford Department Histoire de la Terre, UMR 7207 du CNRS, 8 rue Buffon, 75005, Paris
  • Y. Laurent Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 35 allées Jules Guesdes, 31000 Toulouse



Tetraconodontinae, Miocene, France, Villefranche d’Astarac, Conohyus simorrensis, lectotype, new genus


The type species of the suid genus Conohyus Pilgrim (1925) is Sus simorrensis Lartet (1851) by original designation, but, as was usual at the time of the creation of the species in 1851, no holotype was nominated. Allusion was made by Lartet (1851) to upper and lower canines and some molars from two localities, Simorre and Villefranche d’Astarac, France. The canines belong to Listriodon splendens, a highly lophodont suid, but the molars were described as being bunodont. Until now a lectotype has not been nominated, partly because the original collections of Lartet (1851) were thought to be lost, but also because the diagnosis of the molars as bunodont was insufficient for distinguishing the species from a host of other suids. A suggestion was made to nominate a mandible from Le Fousseret as lectotype, but it was never formalised, and later it was proposed that a bunodont tooth from Simorre collected during the 1960s should be selected, but none was nominated. We here report the re-discovery of the collection of suids examined by Lartet (1851) and select a lectotype for the species Sus simorrensis. We provide detailed descriptions and illustrations of all the tetraconodont material from Villefranche d’Astarac, Simorre (Rajegats) and Le Fousseret, and discuss the relationships of the fossils to other tetraconodont samples from Europe. There are two taxa of bunodont tetraconodonts at Villefranche d’Astarac and Simorre, one of which represents a new genus, which is defined and described.


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How to Cite

Pickford, M., & Laurent, Y. (2014). Valorisation of palaeontological collections: nomination of a lectotype for Conohyus simorrensis (Lartet, 1851), Villefranche d’Astarac, France, and description of a new genus of tetraconodont. Estudios Geológicos, 70(1), e002.




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